domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

5 images of symbols in the house

5 Sentences of comparatives

  • this juice is baetter than yours 
  • this sweeter is more bigger than t-short
  • this bag is more smaller than the hat 
  • my bistec is more tender than yours 
  • the lemon pie is more sweet than the apple pie

5 Sentences of superlatives

  • the limon pie es lesssweet than the apple pie
  • this cup of coffe is lees hot than yours
  • my steak is less tender than yours
  • this cup of coffee is colder than yours
  • my steak is better than yours

10 Sentences of Present continuous

  • I'm studing english now
  • what is mr.johnson doing now?
  • she's reading a book
  • what are you doing now?
  • I'm studying my english lesson 
  • what are you children doing?
  • they're playing in the garden 
  • what are you friends doing?
  • they're swimming in the pool
  • where are you working now?