domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

5 images of symbols in the house

5 Sentences of comparatives

  • this juice is baetter than yours 
  • this sweeter is more bigger than t-short
  • this bag is more smaller than the hat 
  • my bistec is more tender than yours 
  • the lemon pie is more sweet than the apple pie

5 Sentences of superlatives

  • the limon pie es lesssweet than the apple pie
  • this cup of coffe is lees hot than yours
  • my steak is less tender than yours
  • this cup of coffee is colder than yours
  • my steak is better than yours

10 Sentences of Present continuous

  • I'm studing english now
  • what is mr.johnson doing now?
  • she's reading a book
  • what are you doing now?
  • I'm studying my english lesson 
  • what are you children doing?
  • they're playing in the garden 
  • what are you friends doing?
  • they're swimming in the pool
  • where are you working now?

domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

The group 309 is the most educated of nezahualcoyotl squad

The group 309 is the most educated the squad nezahualcoyotl, because the other groups of students are more blatant, and unfulfilled and falatn to respect for his teachers.
This group has savido get ahead at any time that's why is considered the best in the squad nezahualcoyotl.